Level 15 Next Steps

I will be posting next steps and a full guide on flower running/travelling over the next few weeks, this is work in progress keep an eye out.

Congrats! now that you’ve hit level 15 you will be able to travel to different places


You will need to make some preparations for travel, sure you can fly with the basic 5 natural capacity nothings stopping you, but it would be way better and profitable if you rent an Island with airstrip, Be in a faction with 10 Travel items perks and also buy a Large Suitcase (this one can wait till you can save up for it.)

Renting Island

You can travel without one but its slow flight and also you miss out on +10 travel items capacity. Rental Market can be accessed from City -> Estate Agents -> Rental Market

You will need to pay rent in lumpsum and then daily upkeep, If you have money saved up somewhere then thats great use it to rent the Island otherwise make some by selling losses, Sell graphics if your good at it, or offer to advertise for people in trade chat.

Make sure the Island has an Airstrip. Not all Islands will have them. If its above 2550 happy it usually will have them but Make sure you check (see screenshot below)

Hiring a Pilot

Most people forget to hire a pilot its an easy mistake to make, Pilot is not part of the property upgrade but rather Staff Upgrades. Pilot costs 30k per day.

Why you should only run flowers/plushies at start

  1. Not all Items but only some at particular place are profitable. for example Xanax costs ~750k in South Africa but 1.1M in Canada while it sells for ~835K in the Item Market. Same Item, Same Effects on Usage but different prices on different destinations.
  2. Flowers/Plushies will always result in a net profit no matter which country.
  3. Flowers/Plushies run you upto ~300k in total cost where as buying 29 Xanax will cost you ~24M If you get mugged thats a whole trip profit and then some. A mug on 300k is like 30k thats nothing.

Flower/Plushie Running

  1. Head over to City –> Travel Agency
  2. Check profit tracker there are some of those on the forums but I use and recommend This One because it tracks only flowers/plushies and temporary items which are generally profitable.
  3. Check Abroad stock because the shops abroad will RUN OUT OF STOCK, make sure they have plenty and wouldn’t run out by the time you land there. these are 2 websites I recommend

YATA Abroad stock

Arsonwarehouse Foreign Stock

  1. After your done checking the above sites click on start travel and wait to land. Your actions will be limited while travelling there’s not much you can do apart from read forums, use chats or send mails. Travelling is also automated process so you can just close torn and you will still be travelling for the duration.
  2. You can get attacked abroad so buy what you need ASAP and travel back to TORN.
  3. After you land in torn check Item market value of Items you’ve bought
  4. sell them for a profit, either in Item Market listing, in your bazaar if you own one or to a Trader. Make sure that you protect yourself while selling your stuff by either self hosping using wrong blood bag, losing a Russian Roulette match or travelling. people can buy and mug you if your status is ‘okay’.