Money Making Guide

After learning how to store your money safely, it’s essential to focus on building your net worth and sustaining it. Doing so will enable you to reach a point where you can comfortably use three Xanax pills plus a refill every day and train with energy drinks or FHCs for faction wars without breaking the bank.

Remember that the more money you have, the more it can earn for you. Hence, plan your investments and expenses wisely. Although I have categorized this guide based on player level, you can disregard it entirely and choose what suits you best.

When reading, it’s crucial to note that these options aren’t exhaustive. Explore and experiment to find your unique approach that works best for you. There might be a niche option that you excel in but is unknown to others.

For Newbies

For players below level 15

Selling Losses/Slutting

Selling losses early on your journey in Torn can be a decent way to earn some money. However, you should only do it to purchase the necessary supplies until you reach level 15. Beyond that point, it’s advisable to stop as your energy would be better utilized in the gym rather than selling losses to other players. At level 15, you can earn a good amount of money by flying.

Players buy losses so they can earn merits, you can find them in the attacking forum ensure you read the thread carefully they might insert weird conditions like using fists only or they may be buying bulk like 10+ only.

So ensure you not only read the post but also chat the buyer to confirm the conditions before you start, otherwise they may not pay you.

Don’t forget to stock up on supplies after selling losses so you can use them and do more of them (Xanax gives you 250 energy enough to do 10 more) and also tuck away that cash to safety don’t get mugged.

City Shops

You can buy 100 items per day total from city shops the items generally cost less than $2,000 but you can resell them to a trader or via Item market for over $70k.

If your lucky beer can be bought for $1,000 total then resold for over 380K.

Odd Jobs

Odd jobs at start might feel hard but once you get to the hang of it you can turn it into your biggest income. Speaking from experience I’ve made over $100M in a single day finding employees for 4 companies before I started trading.


Advertising for others (traders mostly) used to be a viable route to print money (1.5m/hour on the usual) but then for the better torn decided to kill it.

Company Employee Finding

Finding employees for directors can be lucrative some are willing to pay over 10m per employee (with conditions) that you find for them. This will require a lot of cold calling, first the directors then the employees.

Finding Directors - Simply open up newspaper -> job listings -> pick a company type and make sure its not full then chat the director up.

Keep the chat respectful, polite and straight to the point ensure that it doesn’t come across as annoyance in anyway. You are “helping” them by offering this service because they do not have the time to find employees.

Pricing strategy is something you need to figure out, Is the company profitable/lucrative to run, is the director making money? are they rich and willing to pay what you ask? You could charge a flat fee sure, but there’s bunch of variances in finding employees, the effort needed can be substantial or nothing at all depending on the company type/requirements.

Finding Employees - You have 4 places where you can find suitable employees

a. Trade Chat - create a trade advert with the stat requirements and spam it in the trade chat

b. Forums - Create a thread mentioning that your looking for employees with X stats for Y type of company with Z amount of stars.

c. Discord - This is a new medium and I have not personally tried finding employees but people do read the company section in the torn server and I see people asking if a particular job is “still available” so I guess it works.

d. Advance Search

Use advance search filters (only available to people with donator status) to find employees that are not in a company, chat them up politely and ask them what their work stats are at and that you’d require X amount of work stats for a job at Y company with Z stars.

Community Events

The community events forum can be found here see if there’s something your good at and submit your submission. They do not have any requirements so any level and any age old players can participate. The rewards are “HUGE” if you win.

Fun & Forum / Discord Servers

There are a bunch of fun and games threads that giveaway stuff or require you to do something to win. You can find the threads here

There are discord servers that run regular lotteries and games where you can have a chance to win big for minimal efforts (just joining the lottery), joining them all and enabling notifications for future draws can be a good way to earn money at the start who knows you might get lucky… Discord servers can be found here

City Map

Items spawn on the City Map, they stay there indefinitely till they are claimed if your lucky you might find big ticket items like Stat Enhancers, Cesiums or Hazmat Suits. Check their value in the Item Market and sell them to a trader, please do not use Stat Enhancers (dumbbells, boxing gloves, skateboard, parachutes) you’d be essentially throwing away a $450.000.000 worth of item.

GFX Design

If your good with graphics design or if you can spend like 2 hours learning to use the tools like PS or Photopea then this might be a thing for you. Good graphics designers rake in 100s of millions per day and over billions per week. You can do business in graphics forum By posting there you should understand that people will also critique it, dont get discouraged if its negative, ask for pointers or tips and work on your art skills. You can do auctions or accept customs.

Responsible gambling

Gambling can be a good way to make money ONLY if your good at it the sad truth is most people are not just bad at gambling but straight up horrible, this is why I’d never recommend it but If you can responsibly gamble and spend your 75 tokens daily there might be a chance for you to hit big

I will suggest first spinning the $1,000 and $50,000 spin the wheel they have been proven to be generally net positive, then buy a single lottery ticket hey who knows you might get lucky! Then spend the remaining of your tokens on Slots $10 - $10,000 fingers crossed you win the jackpot!


Companies can be a good source of work stats and Money depending on the type you join, as a new players I would suggest joining either Sweet Shop so you can sell the energy drinks you gain from job points or an Adult Novelties so you can either happy jump with the E-Dvds or sell them. Look for 7* or above there are also other profitable companies but you might not have *enough* working stats for them.

You can find the full list of company specials here

City Bank

City bank is the safest place to store cash as well as to earn interest on it. Don’t select on the longest option, If you have less than 2b to tuck away use the smallest weekly or bi-weekly option so the money compounds and also you can add more to it at the end of the period.


After Level 15


Revivers make a lot of money by selling revives, which cost 25 Energy if you are in a reviving faction. Otherwise, it costs 75 Energy and isn’t really worth it. Generally, revives sell for Xanax (840k) or 1M. Most faction reviving contracts are 1M per revive.

If reviving is the playstyle you wish to pursue, it might be worth joining a company first and getting your stats up (or buying trains) before joining the starter medical job. It is also important to note that brain surgeon requires 10k intel, 4k end and 2600 manual labor stats.

Once you’ve joined the medical job keep upgrading your position, it takes 25 days to reach brain surgeon thats when reviving passives will be unlocked and you’ll be able to revive players.

After reaching brain surgeon you can leave and join a company job again while retaining the ability to do revives.

Flower/Plushie Running

See Flower/Plushie Running Guide (still work in progress)

Stocks Benefit Blocks

Look at colaman32’s sheet and invest into the benefit blocks accordingly. Money stored in stocks cannot be mugged. You will need to manually collect the benefit blocks once their period is up (every 7 days or every 30 days depending on the stock) otherwise it will just stay there unclaimed and it doesn’t stack.


If you’ve built good stats then bounty claiming might be for you headover to the newspaper and and look at the bounties section, see the player level, age, networth, xanax/LSD taken before you attack them since most people like to level hold.

Make sure the reward is actually worth it, don’t go around claiming 5 bucks bounties. money aside there are various merits attached to this.

Ranked Warring

Chances are if your in any half decent faction they will be ranked warring once or twice a month and they’ll be splitting the rewards 80:20 (80 split with players and 20 to faction) this might change in the future but at the moment it is very lucrative to join a faction for ranked warring, some of them even pay out for assists.

There are also ranked warring called as cache farms which enlist every week with the goal to make as much money as possible. You can join one by posting on this thread

Building Flower/Plushie Sets

Building sets can be extremely profitable if done at the right time in the market, usually when demand is slow/low you can grab up flowers/plushies and build them into sets then exchange them in the museum (requires history bachelors) or sell to a trader paying the most for the sets. they are usually 450k+ per set.

Make sure you math before you buy them, having a spreadsheet with all flower/plushie prices summed up can be a good way to calculate your potential profits or losses if market is high or you could just use the tool from Yata Flowers/plushies needed for sets is also shown there. Flowers do not require the extremely cheap ones and plushies need all plushies including the cheap ones to form a set. there are 11 flowers in flower set and 13 in plushies set.


Look at the calendar and plan accordingly. Some events can be hugely profitable if you do them right, such as Museum Day, Halloween, and Christmas Town.

Elimination can also be lucrative, but it requires a huge upfront investment in Cans/Boosters and play time & co-ordination to win. Money aside there are also merits you can earn by exchanging tokens in the token shop as well as merits attached to the elimination event.


Mugging is generally frowned upon but it is a playstyle regardless. you will make a lot of enemies if you buy-mug/trade-mug and most factions will not allow you to trade mug because it will ruin their reputation and make people afraid of trading with their members.

I dont know jackshit about mugging so I will list 2 guides below

Offertory’s Mugging Guide for New Players

A Muggers Guide to $1,000,000,000


End game money makers


“Buy low Sell high”

An Advanced trading guide will be posted sometime in the future but for now I will give you a run down here.

Trading is basically just buying for low and selling for high, to become a trader you will need

a. Price list which auto updates

b. Trading advert you can spam in trade chat

c. Trading Thread where your customers can leaves reviews

A word of advice is to avoid clothing items as they can be easily manipulated and dumped on you. Don’t fall for scams, and be very careful while you sell stuff in your bazaar. You can get mugged. Having a good reputation is also important. If you engage in any dodgy practices, then chances are people will stop trading with you.


Once you have most of the profitable benefit blocks, you can start gambling on stock prices. Basic trading principles of “buy low, sell high” are applicable here.

Knowing when to cut losses and jump into better opportunities is also important. Don’t hold onto a falling knife.

There are people sharing tips on the stock forums as well as on Discord servers, mostly faction Discords.

Some factions even run their own investment funds, and most Hall of Fame factions have them. My faction (PT) has a mutual fund, in which members who do not actively do stocks can invest, so that the leaders/fund managers can do stocks for them.

There are also people offering investment funds in the forums word of advice is to be very careful if they mess up or turn out to be scams your money is gone forever. Manage your risks accordingly If you can then you should do stocks yourself or just follow tips sent in your faction discord.


Mercing used to be huge in the past with territory wars till ched decided to kill mercenaries by implementing 3 days recruit status. However with rank war this playstyle is back and can be a decent money maker if you have stats.

Most HOF factions have merc team you can join to do contracts, they will require that you have 10/10 or close merits on ‘Hospitalization’ tree to increase your hosp time output.

Thats all for now, that is not to say this guide wouldn’t be updated in the future. It will for sure be, any updates done here will be posted in the discord.

Good Luck